Victory Chiropractic Blog

Weight Loss and Chiropractic in Ashland OH

Weight Loss and Chiropractic in Ashland OH

Weight Loss and Chiropractic in Ashland OH Is weight loss one of your New Year’s resolutions?  Have you tried to lose weight before and find that no matter how hard you try the weight is slow to come off?  Or maybe you lose a little but quickly reach the plateau that prevents you from losing…

What these 3 Simple Ingredients in Ashland OH Can do For You!

What these 3 Simple Ingredients in Ashland OH Can do For You!

What these 3 Simple Ingredients in Ashland OH Can do For You A 10-ounce glass of warm lemon water with Himalayan salt in the morning can increase your immune function, decrease uric acid to fight inflammation, improve digestion, and balance your body. We see this with patients at our clinic in Ashland OH. These benefits…

Opioid Addiction Surpasses Smoking in Ashland OH

Opioid Addiction Surpasses Smoking in Ashland OH

Opioid Addiction Surpasses Smoking in Ashland OH Read on for information from our clinic in Ashland OH about the ongoing opioid epidemic. America has a very serious drug problem.  Americans take more prescribed medications per person than any other country and yet we ranked almost last in terms of overall health when compared to 35+…

I Am A Chiropractic Soldier in Ashland OH

I Am A Chiropractic Soldier in Ashland OH

I Am A Chiropractic Solder in Ashland OH “Dedicated to the chiropractic pioneers, past, present and future. Read on for words to live by at our clinic in Ashland OH. Chiropractic in Ashland OH I am a chiropractic soldier.  I fight medical degradation and ignorance about chiropractic  I have been taught by chiropractic warriors, trained…

Your Pain and Poor Posture can Increase Disability by 393%

Your Pain and Poor Posture can Increase Disability by 393%

Your Pain and Poor Posture can Increase Disability by 393% in Ashland OH Read on for more information from our clinic in Ashland OH. Posture Facts in Ashland OH According to the American Journal of Pain Management, “Posture affects and moderates every physiological function, from breathing to nervous system function, and despite the considerable evidence…

How to Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally

How to Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally

Ashland OH Chiropractor Explains How to Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally One-third of the adult population, around 70 million Americans, has high blood pressure (hypertension). In addition, 1 in 3 Americans has prehypertension, which means higher than normal blood pressure numbers. Even more alarming: 1 in 5 adults with high blood pressure do not know…