Upper Cervical Subluxation Neurology in Ashland OH

Upper Cervical Subluxation Neurology in Ashland OH

Upper Cervical Subluxation Neurology in Ashland OH

The following article was written by Dr. Brandon Harshe, and is a great explanation of the consequences of subluxation in Ashland OH in the upper cervical area of the neck.

What happens when an Upper Cervical subluxation occurs? How can someone with problems in their low back or legs be helped by a specific Upper Cervical Chiropractic adjustment? When talking about an Upper Cervical subluxation, one has to keep in mind that symptoms manifest themselves in many different ways from person to person. Keep in mind that the Upper Cervical Chiropractor will not chase symptoms or diagnose this disease or that disease. But the symptoms are there nonetheless and they are important to the person experiencing them.

The Human Body In Ashland OH Is Dynamic

One person might experience low back pain from an atlas subluxation, while another might experience high blood pressure. Someone else might experience severe neurological or GI dysfunction. Everyone's body responds differently to various external factors. The vertebral subluxation is no different. Today I am going to address this question in the simplest fashion I can without compromising the science behind it.

Basic Anatomy

Each spinal nerve that exits the spinal column has a dorsal (rear or back) and a ventral (front) root. These dorsal and ventral roots originate from the spinal cord, which is housed within the bony protection of the spinal column. Between the dorsal and ventral roots are the dentate ligaments. The dentate ligaments connect the dura mater (outermost meninge, or covering, of spinal cord) to the pia mater (innermost meninge, or covering, of the spinal cord). The dura mater attaches to the foramen magnum (the opening where the brain stem exits the skull and becomes the spinal cord) and attaches as far down as the third cervical vertebra (C3). There is even an attachment between the dura mater and the posterior atlanto-occipital membrane (connective tissue between base of skull and atlas) as well as the dura and the rectus capitus posterior minor muscle at the top of the neck around the base of the hairline.

Why Is This So Important?

There are numerous spinal tracts in the spinal cord that lead to various parts of the body. The outermost tracts on the left and the right are the spinocerebellar tracts. These tracts determine how tight or how loose your muscles are and they sense the position of your joints. The outermost aspect of this tract goes to the lowest part of your body and the innermost part goes to the highest part of your body.

Go slightly deeper into the spinal cord and you have the spinothalamic tracts just inside the front aspect of the spinocerebellar tracts. The spinothalamic tracts convey pain and temperature to the body in the same distribution as the spinocerebellar tracts.

When the atlas (C1) or axis (C2) becomes subluxated, it will torque the dura mater with it. When this happens, the dentate ligaments then pull the pia mater. When this occurs, the outer aspect of the spinal cord gets pulled along with the pia, causing stress to the spinocerebellar and spinothalamic tracts.

This in turn, sends messages of pain, altered temperature, muscle tightness, and altered joint position sense to the body from the feet up, depending on the actual spot where the dentate ligament is tugging. This is where the sciatic-type pain in people with significant clinical findings occurs.

As you probably know by now, doctor means "teacher", and we take that very seriously in our office. There is no way for us to know everything that there is about the human body. However, knowing the basics of anatomy will help you understand how the body is intended to function, and therefore, the consequences of subluxation, when the functions of that anatomy is interfered with. In our office, we are concerned about upper cervical subluxation, for sure! However, we also seek to detect and correct subluxation, throughout all areas of your spine. Thank you for investing in your health, by taking the time to educate yourselves on this very important topic.

In health,

Dr. Jenny Pamer and Staff


9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

11:00am - 2:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Victory Chiropractic

1062 Commerce Parkway
Ashland, OH 44805

(419) 281-1000