Why Take Your Child to an Ashland OH Chiropractor?

Kids are kids. It seems like they can bounce from wall to wall and off of a two story building with no trouble at all! As parents, we tend to think "Oh their young, they'll get over it!" which is often accredited to the extreme adaptation and resiliency of a growing body. And it's true. The body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism. In other words, it's designed to heal itself and regulate its own internal functions. When was the last time you had to tell your heart to beat, your lungs to breathe, or a cut to heal? The answer is, NEVER! It is perfectly designed to know exactly what it is doing and know everything it needs to sustain life. You can learn more from our clinic in Ashland OH.
Health Facts in Ashland OH
You probably never think about it, but you have our very own "internet" inside your body. It connects the life signals from your brain to every organ, tissue and cell, controlling all your body functions. You are "wired" through your nervous system. As long as the messages can get from the brain and down to the body, everything can work as it should and you have the ability to be healthy. If there is any "network" interference, affecting the way you nervous system transmits information, your body's resistance weakens, and damage or disease to your organs, calls and tissues occur.
Network interference can be caused by spinal misalignments called subluxations. Subluxation can happen at any stage in life. Think about a newborn baby. They have very little muscle strength or control. Many babies sustain subluxation in their necks during the birthing process if they have been through vacuum extraction or caesarian section. The force of these procedures becomes too much for their tiny bodies. A baby can get subluxations even before being born if the mom has misalignment in the pelvis, restricting the development of the baby in utero.
Ever watch a baby learn how to walk? How many times just in one day did you see them fall? Has your child ever fallen off of bike? Off of a trampoline? Down the stairs? Do they trip over their own shoelaces? Do they carry a heavy back pack or repetitively look down playing games or while texting? Do they have poor posture? Do they play sports? You get the idea! A fall or jolt doesn't have to be "bone-breaking" in order to cause subluxation.
Every child should be checked for vertebral subluxation BEFORE health problems begin to develop. Most children will never complain of pain. You may notice things like repetitive earaches, ADD or ADHD, chronic infections, clumsiness, bed wetting, constipation, etc. These are all signs that your child has "network interference" somewhere in the body, not allowing it to adapt and heal as it should.
The best form of healthcare for you and your family, is to make sure that all signals in the body are clear. Chiropractors are the only doctors highly trained to detect and correct subluxation. When a newborn or young one gets adjusted, it takes only ounces of force to make the correction. Often, the child isn't aware that anything was even being done to them! Your children are precious. You want to see them grow and flourish. Victory Chiropractic gives them the best chance to heal and be healthy WITHOUT the use of drugs and surgery!
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
11:00am - 2:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Victory Chiropractic
1062 Commerce Parkway
Ashland, OH 44805